The EFT Power Training process with a sports team is an exhilarating experience over five days. Here’s what happens, day by day.
DAY ONE: Introduction and Baseline Measurements
A team of experts arrives: therapists, coaches, and statisticians. They introduce the team to the core concepts of Energy Psychology and explain how changing the energy around performance can produce dramatic improvements in strength, precision, and flexibility. They then have the team work out and they obtain objective measurements of the team’s performance on standard tests for their particular sport. This provides a baseline against which subsequent progress can be measured.
DAY TWO: Individual Athlete Treatments
Each athlete receives intensive individual therapy sessions and homework to do between each session. Underlying emotional issues that affect performance are identified and shifted, and performance gains measured. Athletes are instructed in Energy Psychology methods that are individualized to address their particular problems.
DAY THREE: Performance Related Treatment
Issues that came up on Day Two are analyzed and corrected. Blocks are identified and removed. Self-sabotaging beliefs are brought to light and replaced with affirmative new beliefs. Performance gains are “tapped in” with Energy Psychology approaches designed to create muscle memories of peak performance.
DAY FOUR: Support Staff Treatment and Teamwork Maximization
Day Four focuses on producing a harmonious and supportive team environment. All the people who regularly interact with the team—coaches, assistant coaches, and all other support members—receive Energy Psychology treatment and instruction. In addition, the team as a whole identifies areas in which it may be blocked or not functioning well, and these energy patterns are shifted so the team can flow smoothly together. The EFT Power Training group works on the team as a whole to maximize performance and set up a pattern of open receptivity to future coaching instructions from the team’s regular coaches.
DAY FIVE: Progress Measurement and Goal-Setting
The team’s performance is measured again, together and as single athletes, to show the team how far they have come since Day One. On the final day, goals are set for the use of Energy Psychology to resolve future performance blocks and to cement future performance gains.
“Lynn Francis has been working on curing the yips in golfers with…Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Mike Rotheram and Dr. Mark Bawden, researchers at Sheffield Hallam University, were that intrigued by Lynn’s apparent success that they asked her to team up with them to trial her treatment…using the latest golf putting technology from SAM Motion Analysis. They…did five data collections at the University following intense treatments. Mike concluded: ‘This is undoubtedly the most effective treatment I have seen so far.’”
—Paul Chapple
Golfer’s Chronicle
“EFT can remove mental, emotional, physical, and mechanical blocks so that athletes can perform at their highest level possible. There isn’t any other tool or technique out there that I’m aware of that can produce results like this.”
—Stacey Vornbrock, MS, LPC
Coach to top-ranked pro golfers and baseball players
“The gold medal game was an absolute thriller and Catherine hit some clutch shots from long range in the final few seconds to help Australia make it over the line. She is a true world champion who is achieving her dream with the support of EFT.”
—Steve Wells, PhD
Coaching Australian netball champion Catherine Cox at Commonwealth Games
”Overall, the team has improved 87% in free throw shooting percentage since learning EFT. Before EFT, they were making a dismal 40 out of 100 as a team. Since applying EFT, the team has played 8 games and in that 8 games they skyrocketed to a team average of 75 out of 100.”
—Brent Thompson, PhD
Clinic Director, Lifestyle Health Services
”For the International Championship, I did EFT tapping before the race and also mentally while racing and finished first with more than two minutes' advantage over the runner-up, breaking the 9-mile overall record.”
—Guillermo Penia
World Speed Record Holder, Kite Board
“Golf is a game of how you react mentally. One bad shot or hole can ruin a round. EFT has improved how I think on the course, my calmness, and my concentration.”
—Seth Joyner
Former Arizona Cardinals linebacker
Click here for Golfweek article "Golfers Tap into Psychology"